Swollen, Sore and Bleeding Gums

Did you know that our gums play a vital role in our oral health. Gums cover our jawbones and are made out of pink, firm tissues that are fibrous and full of tiny blood vessels.

In certain cases our gums can swell, bleed and become sore. When your gums are swollen, you may feel like they are bulging out or are protruding more than they normally should. This is a warning sign. People who ignore gum conditions like these usually end up worsening their oral health.

Swollen gums are normally red in color. Often times, they become sensitive, irritated or painful and start bleeding when one brushes their teeth or flosses them.

Causes of Swollen, Sore and

Bleeding Gums

1. Gingivitis

One of the most common causes of swollen, sore and bleeding gums is Gingivitis. When the symptoms are milder, people usually tend to ignore this health condition but what they don’t know is that when Gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to long term tooth loss.

People who are not concerned about their oral health as much are usually the ones that end up suffering from Gingivitis. When plaque is allowed to build up on the teeth and the gum line, in a few days it becomes harder and turns into tartar. Tartar buildup is usually what leads to Gingivitis since it cannot be removed by brushing and flossing.

2. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause swollen, sore and bleeding gums. This is because of the rapid change in hormones that increase rate of blood flow in the gums. This causes the gums to swell and become irritated. Because these hormonal changes also have the ability to alter the body’s defense system against bacteria, it allows Gingivitis to set in.

3. Malnutrition

A deficiency of Vitamin C and D can also be the underlying cause of swollen and sore gums as both these vitamins play a vital role in the repair and maintenance of your teeth.

4. Infection

Viruses and fungi can cause oral infections leading to swollen and irritated gums. For examples, herpes can cause a condition that is generally known as Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in which the gums swell up and become sensitive. Also, yeast overgrowth inside the mouth can also result in swelling and bleeding gums.

Measures that can be Taken

The following preventative measures should be taken if you feel your gums have started to show signs of swelling:

1. Oral Care

If you have been lagging behind in oral hygiene and care, then this is the right time for you to start brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. You should also go to your dentist for cleaning at least twice every year.

2. Nutrition

Get your vitamin C and D levels checked in your body. If the reports say that you are deficient in them, try talking to your doctor about ways that you can adopt to overcome that deficiency. Get checked for Iron deficiency as well as it can also cause gums to swell and become sore.

3. Regular Dental Checkups

Make sure that you go to your doctor for regular dental checkups. This may help you in fighting any gum diseases that you may be suffering from in their early stages. Bleeding and soreness typically occur in the secondary stages when the diseases have worsened.

If your gums have started swelling or they bleed when you brush or floss your teeth, visit us today and see our expert dentists. We will make sure that you are treated the way you deserve!

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