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5 Common Types of Dental Surgery

Maintaining good oral health is essential for overall well-being, but sometimes, dental issues may require more than just routine dental care. Dental surgery is a branch of dentistry that addresses various oral health concerns through surgical procedures.

This blog post will explore five common types of dental surgery that individuals may encounter to better understand the importance and nature of these procedures.

1. Wisdom Teeth Extraction

One of the most prevalent dental surgeries is the extraction of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually emerge in early adulthood. Due to limited space in the jaw, these teeth often become impacted, causing pain, swelling, and potential damage to surrounding teeth. Oral surgeons perform wisdom teeth extraction to alleviate discomfort and prevent complications.

2. Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth. This surgical procedure involves embedding titanium posts into the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. Over time, the implants fuse with the bone, providing a sturdy foundation for prosthetic teeth. Dental implant surgery is a crucial step in restoring functionality and aesthetics for individuals with missing teeth.

3. Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy, though less invasive than some other surgeries, is a common dental procedure for saving a severely damaged or infected tooth. When the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected, it can lead to intense pain and potential tooth loss if left untreated. During a root canal, the dentists remove the infected pulp and clean and seal the tooth, preserving the natural tooth structure.

An image of dentists treating a young patient

4. Jaw Correction Surgery

Individuals with misaligned jaws may require corrective surgery to improve their bite and facial symmetry. Orthognathic surgery, as it is commonly known, addresses issues such as overbites, underbites, and other jaw irregularities that orthodontic treatments alone cannot treat. This surgical procedure enhances facial aesthetics and improves overall oral function.

5. Gum Graft Surgery

Gum graft surgery addresses receding gums, a condition that can result in tooth sensitivity, aesthetic concerns, and increased susceptibility to decay. During the procedure, the dentist takes a small amount of tissue from one part of the mouth and transplants it to the receding gum area. This helps restore gum tissue, protect tooth roots, and enhance the overall health of the gums.

Expert Dentists in Germantown, MD

Discover a healthier smile with Advanced Dental Center. Our expert oral surgeons specialize in wisdom teeth extractions, dental implants, root canal therapy, etc. Schedule a consultation today and embark on your journey to optimal oral health with confidence and care.

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