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Dental Bonding vs. Dental Veneers

dental bonding and dental veneers

Do you have a smile you don’t like because your teeth are misaligned, chipped, discolored, or uneven? Cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental bonding and dental veneers have you covered. These dental treatments will not only help improve the appearance of your smile but will make you feel confident. Here is everything you need to know about dental bonding and dental veneers.

Dental Bonding

During a dental bonding procedure, the dentist bonds a tooth-colored resin to the surface of your tooth. Once you and your dentist have selected the right shade of white, the dentist will roughen the surface of the tooth using a special tool. They will then apply a special bonding liquid and a resin. After the mold has dried, the dentist will sculpt it to match the size and appearance of your natural teeth.

Dental bonding provides long-term shine and a perfect-looking smile. Dental bonding is perfect for people who don’t require extensive treatment, such as:

  • Improve the length or shape of your teeth.
  • Close or fill in the small gaps between your teeth.
  • Improve discolored teeth.
  • Repair cracked, decayed, or chipped teeth.

Dental Veneers

Similar to dental bonding, dental veneers are also used to enhance the appearance of your smile. However, the only prominent difference is that dental veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain coatings that provide your teeth with a layer of protection and perfection.

The dentist starts by making a dental impression of your teeth and sends it to the lab where the dental veneers are made. This process takes one or two weeks, and once the dental veneers are ready, the dentist will call you, sculpt your existing tooth, and will painlessly place the dental veneers in place.

Choosing Between Dental Bonding and Dental Veneers

Now that you know what dental bonding and dental veneers are, here is a guide to help you in choosing the right one.

1. Treatable Concern

Although both dental bonding and dental veneers can address the same cosmetic issues, it is proven that dental veneers are a better solution for more complex issues.

2. Material

Dental veneers are made using a ceramic substance in the lab. They offer unique and customized teeth restoration and are strong and resistant proof. On the other hand, dental bonding is performed using a resin composite similar to the natural color of your teeth.

3. Tooth Preparation

While dental bonding requires no tooth preparation, in order for the porcelain dental veneers to blend in seamlessly, the dentist will carefully remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth.

4. Longevity

Compared to dental bonding, dental veneers have a longer lifespan with proper oral care. Therefore, make sure to schedule an appointment with a family dentist in Germantown MD.

5. Cost

Dental bonding is more expensive than dental veneers. However, note that none of the procedures will prevent staining, and you will need to replace the dental bonding more frequently than the dental veneers.

Advanced Dental Center Has the Best Family Dentist in Germantown MD

At the Advanced Dental Center, we are committed to serving people of all ages with high-quality, comprehensive dental services in a casual and comfortable setting. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we have provided people with the best general and cosmetic dental treatments in Germantown. Click here to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Germantown Maryland.

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